Selamat Datang Monument

Selamat Datang Monument (Selamat Datang is Indonesian for "Welcome"), also known as the Monumen Bundaran HI or Monumen Bunderan HI (for 'Hotel Indonesia roundabout'), is a monument located in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. Completed in 1962 by sculptor Edhi Sunarso, the Selamat Datang Monument is one of the historic landmarks of Jakarta.The Selamat Datang Monument is located in the center of a roundabout known as Bundaran Hotel Indonesia or Bundaran HI (Indonesian for "Hotel Indonesia Roundabout"). It is so named because of its proximity to Hotel Indonesia. Other accepted spelling is Bunderan HI, which is closer to local Javanese-Betawi language unique to Jakarta. The roundabout is strategically located in the heart of Jakarta, right in the center of Jakarta's main avenue, Jalan M.H. Thamrin, on its intersection with Jalan Imam Bonjol, Jalan Sutan Syahrir and Jalan Kebon Kacang. At its completion, Hotel Indonesia and its roundabout is the gateway for visitors of Jakarta. The roundabout features a round pond with fountains.


歡迎來到紀念碑(Welcome是印尼的“Selamat Datang”),也被稱為紀念碑Bundaran HI或Bunderan HI紀念碑('Hotel Indonesia roundabout'),是位於印度尼西亞雅加達市中心的紀念碑。 歡迎大唐紀念碑於1962年由雕塑家Edhi Sunarso完成,是雅加達歷史悠久的地標之一。歡迎紀念碑位於環形交叉路口的中心,被稱為印尼酒店環形交叉路口或Bundaran HI(印度尼西亞為“印尼迴旋處酒店”) ,因其靠近印度尼西亞酒店而得名。其他可接受的拼寫是Bunderan HI,它更接近雅加達獨有的當地Javanese-Betawi語言。環形交叉路口位於雅加達市中心,位於雅加達主要大道Jalan M.H的中心。 Thamrin與Jalan Imam Bonjol,Jalan Sutan Syahrir和Jalan Kebon Kacang交匯。完工後,Hotel Indonesia及其環形交叉路口是雅加達遊客的門戶。環形交叉路口設有帶噴泉的圓形池塘。